If you think you are in need of a bad credit loan then the chances are you are in debt to some degree, by creating a budget you can dramatically improve the your debt position and hence make it more likely that you will be able to get that bad credit loan.
The trouble with crating a budget for yourself is that unless you studied finance / accountancy you were never taught how to do it nor were you taught how to follow it. Never the less it is still the best way to manage your finances and improve your debt situation.
You really need to have already started to think about and implement a budget because if you know how to mange your money properly and consistently, really does pay off big time. Once you are doing this it will enable you to start to enjoy your life again as you will start to see some light at the end of the tunnel rather than a big black hole of debt over debt over debt.
Once you have a budget in place you will be able to see that yes you can survive every month with out going further into debt and even possibly have some money left over! Just imagine how good that would feel! Wouldn’t that be a boost to you energy levels? And a turning point in your life where you can stop that self pitying and start living again.
It is important that you allow the budget to work for you, each and every month no matter what unexpected costs come up. If you can do this you will be really amazed at the fantastic results you can get. Your self confidence will grow each day as you realize that yes you can make it on your own, you are a mature and responsible person. Learning about and following a strict budget will make you feel proud of your self.
As I said earlier virtually no one has been taught how to do this so most of us are in the same situation of spending more money than we can afford (that seems to apply to those running the governments of some countries, see the Eurozone crisis and the issues with the Greek Sovereign debt). By working on a budget and sticking to it we can all improve our finances and reduce our debt situation dramatically.
So now is the time to take some time out from all that worrying and self pitying and sit down and get ready for this fun and exciting experience. You can learn so much about yourself during this process (i.e. do I really drink that much each week?). And once your budget is prepared you will continue to learn so much more about who you really are as you follow it each and everyday, moving you closer to getting rid of you debt once and for all. Be prepared for some real eye openers when you are preparing the budget and while implementing it on a daily basis.
Debt is probably the worst enemy you can have, so the sooner you can start to do something about it the better, both for your finances and more importantly for you enjoyment of life. So go ahead and make that budget today and stick to it each day that passes and see how your life improves.